While you are a student at BSU, we have a combination of resources available to help you achieve your educational goals.
Dates and Deadlines (Wallet Calendar)
The Dates and Deadlines includes registration dates, class start dates, add/drop deadlines, exam dates and more.
The Undergraduate Catalog includes a listing of liberal education requirements, majors, minors and course descriptions for undergraduate students.
The Graduate Catalog includes a listing of liberal education requirements, majors, minors and course descriptions for graduate students.
Class Schedule
The class schedule includes all of the courses offered for a specific term with current enrollment information.
Final Exam Schedule
The final exam schedule includes all of the exam times for finals week.
Forms & Policies
A collection of the forms and policies you need as a student.
Student Handbook
The student handbook outlines student’s rights and responsibilities includes policies and procedures and the student code of conduct.
Student Travel
Details on what you need to do in order to travel for BSU/NTC.
Support Services
Understand what services are available to you throughout the campus.
Learn how to access your unofficial transcript, set up direct deposit and calculate your grade point average (GPA).
Your Records
Understand what information we store about you and the policies we follow in handling your records. You can also find details on Updating your Records .